
3-فندق ستار في Markt 7, Eindhoven, Netherlands

معدل ملكة

وصف الفندق

Queen Hotel is very centrally located on the market in the heart of Eindhoven. With this you have everything that suits contemporary life at hand. Culture, going out, shopping, museums, theater, in short, you don't have to be bored. From your comfortable room you can look down on the bustling city life or dive into it.​ The face of Queen Hotel on the market in Eindhoven is determined by the atmospheric grand café. Beyond that, however, you'll find an oasis of welcoming friendliness.​ You can opt for a comfortable night's sleep in one of our 40 beautiful rooms. In our restaurant on the ground floor can you enjoy every day a delicious breakfast served at the table.

الخدمات والمرافق






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الغرف والضيوف
1 غرفة 2 الكبار
هذا الفندق محجوز بالكامل لهذه التواريخ. يرجى تغيير التواريخ للتحقق من التوفر أو البحث عن فندق بديل في أيندهوفن

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